Welcome back to Day 4 of our series on building your Home Management Binder.
Today’s printable is a Daily and Weekly Chore Schedule. This list is the core of my home management binder. I use this list daily to keep on top of household chores.
On my To Do List with my Time Schedule, I schedule in times for daily chores. That is when I refer to this list. I also have a monthly list that I try to incorporate into my daily to do list as well. I’ll be sharing that with you tomorrow. 🙂
One other thing I do with my chores is to overlap them with my kids’ chore charts. In other words, the chores you see on the list below are the chores that need to be done. Just because they are on “my” list, doesn’t necessarily mean “I’m” doing them. 🙂 Often, vacuuming and dusting are on the kids’ lists. I’ll show you how I arrange that some day when I share my kids’ chore charts with you.
Feel free to download this printable, but please respect my copyright. This printable is © Copyright 2012 Organizing Homelife and is intended for personal use only. Please do not distribute this file for free or for profit without written consent. Thank you!
To download, click on the image below. A .pdf file will open in another screen.
P.S. A little tip to keep you from having to print this out a zillion times: Print it out and put it in a plastic page protector, and write on the plastic with a dry erase marker.
You can also download a blank version so you can fill in your own chores. Simply click on the image to download.
Tips for downloading successfully:
You must have a PDF reader installed in order to view these printables. If you haven’t already, please visit adobe.com and download their latest version of acrobat reader. It’s totally free.
Printables are viewed the best in Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox internet browsers. Internet Explorer seems to have trouble with printables.
Feel free to click through to all of the 31 Days below, or you can purchase the entire set in one downloadable file here.
31 Days of Home Management Binder Printables:
Thanks so much for the great downloads! I’m a list maker as well and I find these to be very useful!
This is great! I’m having such fun putting together the home management binder, and my 8 yr-old is having fun making her own planner alongside me each day! 🙂 I’m inspired!
I was wondering if the blank version of this chore planner page can be modified in the Acrobat reader? I’d love to type my chores in, and then print it out without having to write them in each day. Thanks! 🙂
Hi Dawn! I’m so glad you are enjoying the binder printables. 🙂 I WISH I could offer you editable forms, in fact that is part of the reason I started blogging. However, I didn’t know until I started looking into it that I would need a professional PDF software in order to offer the printables in a form that you could edit. That type of software costs about $500! Maybe someday! 🙂
Oooh! I never knew that it would cost so much! Thanks for your response- I appreciate it! I still love the printables! 🙂
Yes Dawn, Thank you so much!
Ginny, I saved Dawn’s pdf as an excel spreadsheet!
It doesn’t look as pretty of course but you are able to type your own chores in!
Print out the chore planner page, then hand write in your chores and keep this as a master. Then you can make copies on your printer each time you need another copy. This way you aren’t rewriting them each time…just making copies.
Loving this Household Binder. I already had one but it was dull and boring. This is so much better!! Thanks!
Thanks so much for your great printables. I’m having a blast coming each day to see what is next!
I love these printables so far! Before this I was gathering pages to put in a binder but had yet to actually print any out let alone put the binder together. It just felt so intimidating to do all at once. Today I laminated the daily/weekly chore list and 7 to do lists and bought some wet erase markers so that they writing doesn’t accidentally get rubbed off before I am ready.
Hi Ginny! This is awesome. I have a cleaning plan I’ve been using but I need to spruce it up, so I am going to try yours. In regards to a comment above I was able to download your blank file and then add my own text in adobe reader. So in regards to what Dawn was asking, I think it is possible. I just clicked “add text” and it worked. Thanks for sharing all of these amazing resources.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful lists! I have been trying to get organized and these are exactly what I have been looking for!
I’m so glad you’re finding them helpful, Jennie! Thanks for letting me know and for your sweet comment. 🙂
These printables are fantastic. I am a list maker, an organizer by design, and love this idea. 🙂 Thanks so much!
You’re welcome, Amanda! I’m glad you’ve found them to be helpful. 🙂
Hi Ginny! Thank you so much for these printables. They are going to be very helpful. I do have a suggestion though. Could you make a page that receipts could be wrote down? I coupon and I want to start keeping track of what my total was before coupons and what I actually paid. Trying to stay in my grocery budget and I think this would help me do that. Plus it would be pretty and match the rest of your printables. Thanks again!!!!
I don’t have a receipts page planned in this 31 Day series, but I will keep it in mind for future printables. 🙂
Sounds good, thank you 🙂
Oh and recipe pages would look great too 🙂
That one’s coming tomorrow. 😉
Awesome!!!! Thank you 🙂
Good afternoon, I found you after following the link with Money Saving Mom and have been loving your series. Each day I find myself eager to see what else you have come up with. It’s like Christmas morning each day! lol (I am easy to please). Anyway, I have been using your Daily/weekly plan and wanted to ask you, what do you mean by “easy clean bathroom”? Also, the Laundry #1 and #2 do you mean all parts (wash,dry, fold, put away in AM and again in PM? Just curious. Thanks again for all that you have been doing, truly a great help!
Thank you so much for this whole series! I have been working on overhauling my organizational strategies and this came just in time! I can’t thank you enough!
You’re welcome, Valerie. I’m glad you enjoyed it! 🙂
I was wondering if you have any special forms you use for blog planning. I LOVE all of your printables and was thinking, as organized as you are, you probably have some you use for blog planning. Is that something you’d share sometime?
Haha! You are on to something, Michelle. 🙂 Stay tuned in the next few days and you might just see something like that. 😉
I love that your daily chore list has a spot to count your 8 glasses of water for the day!
I find using lists very helpful but I don’t think I would remember if they were in a binder. I am going to try to find a way o organize them on my wall without it looking cluttered.
Thanks so much for the printables. I am just making my first household management folder and wanted to know if you print a Daily and weekly printable just once as you master plan or if you do a new one everyday?
Thanks hope that made sense.
It totally made sense, Louisa! I put my printables in plastic page protectors. That way, I can use wet erase markers and simply wipe the schedule clean for a new day. Hope that helps! 🙂
This is my favorite printable. Thank you so much for all your inspiration… I have mentioned you in my blog at http://mannersandmars.wordpress.com/ Have a blessed week !!
Loving the designs, just wondering what size paper the calendar is? I’m looking for A5
Thank you so much for these free printables. Can’t wait to put my binder together.
Hi Ginny, I have just come across your amazing binder. I have been so disorganised lately and came on line to find ideas to help and am so glad to have found these. Just downloaded and printed the daily, weekly and monthly chores and meal planners and looking forward to using them, thanks so much xx
This text is worth everyone’s attention. How can I find out
Tarotista Economico recently posted…Tarotista Economico
Love the user name and password page.
is there any chance i could get the calender for rest of 2016-2017