Last year in my 12 Days of Christmas Planning series, I highlighted one of my favorite children’s book series in my Celebrating Advent post. I thought it was worth revisiting this year and sharing a short review for those of you who are unfamiliar with the series. These books are highly worth the purchase! I […]
Stocking Stuffer Ideas ~ Subscriber Freebie
Last year, I wrote a series called, The Twelve Days of Christmas Planning. One of the most popular posts in that series was the list of Stocking Stuffer Ideas. There are more than 125 ideas separated into categories such as “Tot Stuffers, Kid Stuffers, Teen Stuffers, Dad Stuffers, Mom Stuffers, Anybody Stuffers, etc.” So many […]
Thank You Cards ~ Free Printables
One thing (among many) that I am trying to teach my children is how to show gratitude. I want them to truly express their thanks when they are given a gift. But…if your kids are anything like mine, getting them to sit down and write a thank you card is not an easy task! I […]
Tangle Free Christmas Lights
I was with some friends the other night and the subject of Christmas lights came up. Some were complaining about how quickly the light strands stop working and how it seems like they have to keep purchasing new ones every year. I’m not going to tell you how long it’s been since I purchased a […]
White Lights or Colored? Problem Solved!
Do you have a difference of opinion in your home as to which looks better on a Christmas tree ~ white lights or colored? We sure did. Every. Single. Year. Finally we came up with a solution that made everyone happy. Seriously. We line our tree with both white and colored lights. Yep. It’s that […]