A few years ago, I was introduced to a company who created a product that is a game changer when it comes to storing and organizing paint cans and making touch-ups simple. Three years later, I am still loving their product. You know I enjoy sharing products I use in my own home with my readers. […]
Tween Boy’s Room Organized Closet Reveal
I have been having so much fun updating my son’s room over the last few weeks. We’ve had carpet installed, updated some of his decor, installed new shelves, emptied his closet (see the before pics here) and made a plan for organizing his closet, and today I’m going to show you the organized closet reveal! It […]
EasyClosets Organizational Closet System Installation
I’ve been working hard on updating my son’s room and installing his new organizational closet system. See the “before” pics of his closet here. Today I’m going to show you the closet design I created for him and how I put it all together. Yesterday I shared some awesome news with you. If you missed it, you […]
Master Bedroom Closet Organization ~ The Reveal & Surprise Announcement
Yesterday I showed you the outdated closets we were living with in our master bedroom. They have long been in need of updating so I was very happy to team up with EasyClosets once again to get these closets under control. Here’s what we were dealing with. Single rod, double high shelves. Wasted floor space. […]
30 Gift Ideas Organizers Love
If you are reading this post either you love organization or you know someone who does. You’ve heard organizers suggest ideas for clutter free gift ideas (which I love!) and NOT to buy organizing bins and baskets unless you know specifically what you’re going to store in them. So what DO you buy for someone […]