Last night for dinner I made one of the most amazing vegetable dishes. A friend gave me the recipe years ago and I have NO idea why I haven’t made it more often! I realize I just posted a great recipe for the best zucchini bread ever, and you may be thinking, “is this a […]
Best Zucchini Bread Ever!
Do you have zucchini growing in your garden this year? Or, do you have friends that share some of their bounty? This recipe for zucchini bread is my family’s favorite bread! I can barely keep it in the house! What I like to do if I have a lot of zucchini is shred it all, […]
Magazine Recipe Clippings
Do you love to cook? I do! And I have a habit of clipping delicious-looking recipes from magazines or printing them from online recipe sites. Want a great way to organize them? Here’s how you do it: Pick up 5, 4 x 6 in. photo
Getting your Homeschool Planning Organized Part 1 – Intro.
I love organization and cannot imagine homeschooling without a teacher’s planner! However, lots of planners are geared toward school classrooms for many children, not homeschools for a few children at different grade levels. There are lots of homeschool planners that have become available over the past few years, but I have found many to be […]
Don’t Forget Me Bin
Do you ever find yourself arriving at a destination and suddenly realizing you forgot to bring something you really needed? If you (or your family) regularly forget to take important things with you when you leave the house, you may want to try having a “Don’t Forget Me Bin”. A great place to put your […]